
Course in the Methods of Sensitive Premises Protection and Emergency Management


There are several means ensuring the security of the vital premises, which this course allows to be acknowledged. It also focuses on studying many methods where it may be appropriate to establish foundations for managing the emergency and the sudden situations such as the crisis, the security disasters, and the immediate enforcement methods.

The significance of emergency department and emergency medicine have considerably developed recently in the Middle East. In addition, the turnout for this specialization increased highly for its great significance in all hospitals and due to the special scientific level which the doctor should be qualified in this department. Moreover, it increased highly since it's necessary for the doctor to deal with all the cases proficiently, including severe attacks of chronic diseases (hypertension of the hypertensive patients, diabetic coma of the diabetic patients, along with the cases of accidents, fractions, and serious injuries).

Objectives and target group

Training Program Purposes:

. Securing the premises targeted from within and without.
. Establishing insurance plans.
.  Putting up the needed lights on these facilities.
. Collecting the required information and data to protect the premise.
. Dividing the work into shifts.
. Anticipating the risk and to be handled.
. Behaving in the sudden situations.
. The main roles of the security officials in the premise.
. The role of the security supervisor.
. Providing the needed security agencies to protect the premise.
. Telecommunication and wireless communication.
. Organizing plans to leave the premise.
. Rules of premise departure.
. Means of escaping from the windows and the backdoors.
. Executing plans before making the error to know their shortcomings.

For whom this course is offered?

This course is provided for the security men, the security managers in the facilities and the organizations at different levels. In addition, it's provided for every person has the willing to develop his security sense, every person seeks to acquire the best knowledge about the sensitive premises protection and the emergency management as well.

Course Content

The Course would vover the following Aspects:

  • Introduction on the emergency medicine and its increased significance.
  • The administrative significance of the emergency department.
  • The principles and standards of the safety in the department.
  • Improving the data and the information for developing the department.
  • Studying the department control and its development.
  • Designing a unit for emergency department among the hospitals.
  • Studying some emergency cases.


Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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£3900 £3900
